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University Assembly and Faculty Senate Minutes October 14, 2008

University Faculty Senate
October 14, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by chair, Matthew Keefer. Minutes from the September 9th meeting were approved as written.

Report from the Chair

The focus for this meeting is The Strategic Plan. The chair described the convening of an ad hoc committee to examine the potential move of KWMU to Grand Center and related issues. Terry Jones has been named chair of the ad hoc committee. Next month a report/recommendation will be presented by the committee.

A search will soon be underway for a permanent Senate staff member. Joan Arban will recognized for her 23 years of service to the Senate at the December meeting.

Chancellor's Report

Chancellor George presented the "Gateway for Greatness" strategic plan (see attachment A).

The campus will be visited during the 2nd week in November by the Higher Learning Commission.

The Chancellor briefly discussed the system plan currently under development. A number of specific measures are still incomplete but should be completed by next Spring. Not all unit plans have been received to date. A ratification vote today is only for the goals, not the specific measures.

A question was asked about infrastructure for physical facilities (Section E-5). The Chancellor responded that this section includes new buildings as well as some renovation. Clarification: we are being asked to ratify only the information included on the document handed out today. The Chancellor further explained that this is a dynamic plan and will be reviewed annually.

Kathleen Sullivan Brown brought up revisions that were made at Budget and Planning in May. Terry Jones (chair of Budget and Planning) indicated that Budget and Planning has had a concern about the dollar allocation needed to achieve the plan.

Judith Walker deFelix urged that there is a need to ratify the plan so that Colleges and other units can see how they fit into the overall structure of the plan.

A motion was made (Mark Pope) and seconded (Kathleen Sullivan Brown) to ratify the document in its present state. Joe Martinich indicated that there were strong priorities and initiatives in the Mission and Vision portion. Mark Pope indicated that we should support the document in its present form at this point in time. The motion to ratify the plan passed.

University Library Committee (Vicki Sauter, Chair)
No verbal report. Written report is attached to the agenda.

Bylaws and Rules Committee Report (Tim Farmer)

There are three by-laws issues (see Attachment B):

1) Amendment for the formation of a Committee on Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty.
New rules will be proposed by the committee. The committee would only deal with promotions, not new hires. Jeanne Zarucchi indicated that we may have a time-table problem for this academic year. Dr. Farmer's response was that for this year it may be necessary to establish an ad hoc committee. Paul Speck indicated that the IFC felt that non-tenure track standards should be set at the College level. (Not parallel with the present ATP process for tenure track faculty members.)

Mark Pope proposed an amendment to the amendment that would insert a new Section 3. The old section 3 would become Section 4. "The committee will utilize the unit standards in its consideration and there will not be additional campus-wide standards."
Tom McPhail raised a concern about divergent unit standards, indicating that the tenure-track already consists of divergent standards. Jeanne Zarucchi spoke against the amendment and for the need for qualitative judgement assessment. Paul Speck reiterated the IFC stand-process only. Paul supported the amendment so that our bylaws would be consistent with the IFC proposal.

Tim Farmer read from the collected rules indicating that the unit establishes the standards. The amendment to the amendment passed with a 12 to 9 vote. The amended amendment unanimously passed.

2) Amendment for the establishment of a Committee on Research Policy. There was some concern expressed that only funded researchers should be on the committee. The question was asked: What would the committee do? (response: advise the Vice-Provost for Research)

Paul Speck spoke in support of the need for the committee in the past and now, indicating that the current Research Committee already has enough to do with reading research proposals.

The operating rules for the committee were discussed. Terry Jones moved to eliminate the words "research active". Jeanne Zarucchi seconded the motion. The amendment to change the operating rules was approved. Dr. Farmer indicated that the Fine Arts and Communications College was inadvertently left out. A motion was made and seconded to add FAC to the original amendment. This amendment was approved. Jeanne Zarucchi moved to add the words "full-time" to faculty member. Her motion was defeated for lack of a second. She then moved to add "eligible" to faculty. The motion was seconded and approved.

The original amendment with its various amendments was unanimously approved.

3) Amendment for a change in the operating rules of the Committee on University Libraries. Mark Pope moved that we follow a parallel structure of the previous committee: moving the "The Dean of Libraries shall be a non-voting member." to the end of Section 10d. and that "one faculty member" replace "eligible faculty representatives". The amendment to the amendment was approved. The proposed amendment, as amended, was unanimously approved.

Curriculum Committee Report

Course changes/additions/deletions were reported. Program changes, (items #2-#6 of the C&I report attached to the agenda) were approved.
#2 drop the Minor in Environmental Engineering Science
#3 changes in Major in Communication Degree
#4 change in Minor in Communication Degree
#5 change in degree requirements for the Master of Arts in English
#6 change in degree requirements for Doctor of Nursing Practice

Report of the IFC (Paul Speck)

IFC members attended a retreat at which 4 UM VPs were present. It was primarily informational. The following items were discussed at the IFC to date:

  1. Mass notification system is now in place.
  2. There are concerns about information security, especially inadequate password usage
  3. Strategic planning is underway, including Network and Research infrastructures.
  4. There is an on-going search for VP of Academic Affairs. Only 2 faculty members are currently on the search committee.
  5. The new grievance procedure is being tested at UMC. There are some problems that have not been solved. The testing will be expanded to include UMKC.
  6. Textbook bundling will be evaluated as will textbook costs.
  7. Betsy Rodriguez is the new VP for HR.
  8. Assurance was given about the stability of the pension plan.
  9. The concerns of retirees and active faculty members are quite different.
  10. Coventry Insurance issues are being addressed.
  11. Budget assumptions made earlier are now considered unsafe.
  12. Federal Audits are being made to check for compliance with agency requirements. The details of compliance must be adhered to.

The Senate was called into executive session to discuss Honorary Awards nominations. Two candidates were supported by the body.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Willman, Secretary